While at home over break, Nadia was interviewed by a reporter from the Saginaw News. Here is a link to the article...
http://www.mlive.com/saginaw/stories/index.ssf?/base/news-25/1200324060206830.xml&coll=9What makes this bizarre, is this news story appeared on Eaton Corp.'s (Zach's employer) internal website under the heading "Eaton in the News." This web page is automatically set as the default home page for all employees, and is used as the starting point for almost all applications and programs (its a (small) e-world after all). Zach obviously stumbled across it in his normal everyday activities.
There are a few "inconsistencies" in the article Nadia would like to clarify:
1.) The only Chinese students in her school are Chinese-American. You must hold a foreign passport to attend this school.
2.) The article reads "The American teachers, on the other hand, place a greater emphasis on the punishment and misbehavior itself." What Nadia said to the reporter that the American teachers focus on addressing the situation, natural consequences and appropriate redirection. NO DAH!
3.) Not
ALL American and Chinese, there is
one British teacher.
4.) The school is only 3 blocks from our apartment, she doesn't need to take the subway to work.